Tuesday, September 3, 2013

CBS News With Scott Pelley Assignment By: Alex Khatwani

August 28th 2013 Broadcast of CBS Evening news at 6:30 with Scott Pelley
Intro: 0:57 seconds
Began, with the celebration of the, famous Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. speech and the Civil Rights movement.
Jeff Pugues correspondent covered the story
Edith Hill Canon was interviewed citizen grew up in Mississippi as well as Bill Tates
Former Presidents spoke like Jimmy Carter and Bill Clinton
News segment for speech ended at 4:44

4:43 Syrian War regarding Chemical Gas
President Obama speaks to PBS News Hour
David Martin had the latest news to report
Spokesperson Marie Harv about the situation for the UN

Ended at 7:27

Refugees – 7:29
Holly Williams was in Turkey because refugees have left Syria to come to Turkey
Refugees say to finish Assad for good. They want USA to finish it all off
Blood and Tissue samples were taken to see if they were infected in Syrians – Holly Williams
End at 9:26

9:27 Death Sentence of Major Nadal Hasan
Nadal confessed and was his own witness and did not react to the judge’s verdict. He wanted to protect his Muslim brotherhood who were fighting for Iraq
End at 10:02

10:03 – 10:20 Glimpse of upcoming stories
1 min commercial about Enbrel joint pain medicine
10:26 news continues with State Of His Dream
There was a lot of progress of ending discrimination (survey question: Real Progress in Getting Rid of Racial Discrimination? 73%
How much discrimination is there against African Americans Today? 40% Blacks said there are still discrimination against us and 15% White said there are.
Bill Whitaker interviewed the doctors regarding racial difference
End 13:27

Begin 13:29 Yosemite Fire
Scott talks about Loses of house in California and smokes reaching till Reno Nevada
Ends at 13:55

Begins 13:56
Short term memory loss story next
Commercial 1 min Enbrel joint pain medicine
End by 13:58

Begin 14:06
Memory loss is not Alzheimer’s disease
Its age related memory loss
Dr. John Lapook talks about the story CBS Medical Correspondent
Dr. Scott Small is the expert on the disease from Columbia Medical Center
New Mini brain invention may help solve schizophrenia
End 16:25
Begin 16:29- 16:33 glimpse of the Civil Rights talk glimpse
1 min Commercial of Enberl joint pain medicine
Begin 16:39 with Dr. King speech video
Talking with Marian Wright Edleman president of the children’s defense funds, Andrew Young former mayor of Atlanta, and former Georgia state legislator Julian Bond.  All of them took part of the march.
CBS News Poll: Racial discrimination hope of ending in America 52% said yes
Scott Pelley interviewed the guests

Ends at 20:56

August 29th 2012 CBS Evening News with Scott Pelley
1 min commercial of Viagra
Intro: 1:01
Breaking News: UK will not join the US on military attack on Syria regarding the poison gas attack
Mark Phillips reports in London
David Cameron called a cease to wait for UN reports. Cameron said that Syrians will use the chemical weapons over and over again and won’t stop. The UK doesn’t want to repeat the same mistake they did regarding the false information with Iraq regarding weapons of mass destruction.
Major Garrett speaks from the White House
“The window is open for the President to act” – Major Garrett
Pelley says one thing holding up US to attack is that UN weapons inspectors are still inside Syria still conducting investigation.
Elizabeth Palmer speaks from Damascus
UN secretary General said the inspectors are leaving soon
People are leaving to Lebanon
End of segment 7:00

Begin 7:01 NFL
NFL reached a settlement to pay 765 million dollars to the players who received head injuries to settle the lawsuit made by former players.
James Brown host of CBS Sports and correspondent of NFL (special correspondent)
Players are getting less than a tenth since NFL makes 9billion dollars
78% of the players facing bankruptcy
End at 8:53

Begin 8:54 – “Black Budget” Leaked
Washington Post says the budget for the intelligence is 52.6 billion dollars and 14 billion goes to CIA
John Miller former assistant deputy director of the National Intelligence talks about the budget
“It was tantalizing facts, because I used to go through some of this” – Miller
Most difficult to penetrate was North Korea regarding weapons
10:35 – 10:47 glimpse about upcoming news
1 min commercial about Enbrel joint medication
Begin 10:54 Marijuana laws
Bill Whitaker talks about Marijuana legalization in Colorado and Washington State last December
Marijuana under Federal law it is illegal
Marijuana Enforcement guidelines:
·         Distribution to minors
·         Preventing revenue from going to criminals entity
·         Preventing Marijuana trafficking
Governor Jay Ingslee of Washington
“We have a discipline in financing this law “– Inslee
End at 12:59 At LA newsroom
Begin 13:00 – Fast food workers for higher wage
1 day strike to raise wage to 15 dollars an hour
End 13:20

Begin 13:22 to 13:27 Katrina glimpse news next
Commercial 1 min Enbrel

Begin 13:34
8 years later Katrina in New Orleans
Mark Strausman reports from New Orleans at Lower ninth ward
Shows Cassandra Scott’s house shown after Katrina – family slept in tents in 3 states
About 14,000 people lived at Lower ninth ward now only about 4,000 people do
Government spent about 14+billion dollars to make levees, floodwalls, and pump stations
Still many can’t afford to rebuild
Scott’s home was the 6th major project
Ends at 15:54

Begins 15:55
Baby Panda Gender unknown born at National Zoo
Ends at 16:19

Begins 16:22 – 16:30 Courting success story coming up
1min commercial of Enbrel

Begins 16:33
Cinderella story
Elaine Quijano CBS News NY correspondent
Victoria Duval ranked 296th in the world – 17 year old
Celebrates with a slice of Pizza
Born in Miami raised in Haiti
Hostage in Haiti, her father survived the Earthquake in Haiti in 2007. Her father was a doctor Robert Duval.
Mother Nadine says she is our strength
Ends at 18:54 

August 30, 2013 Evening news with Scott Pelley
31 second commercial about Viagra
1 min intro

Begin 1:00 
Obama may begin to launch a possible air strike against Syria
Obama says that there is “High Confidence” that Syria used chemical weapon especially nerve gas to attack its civilians
1429 deaths reported with 426 children dead last week according to the administration
Obama says Assad regime should be held to account
A team is covering the news: First from the Pentagon with David Martin
5 navy destroyers are ready to launch missiles
Much info came from spy satellites
August 21st satellites picked rockets being launched
Kerry said we know everything when it was launched and who it was launched too
Collin Powell presented a bogus case for war in Iraq in 2007
Kerry said we will not repeat that moment
Martin says several marines are on board for the attack against Syria
Pelley repeats how the Syrian war started Thursday as well
Second to report: Elizabeth Palmer from Damascus
UN inspectors work finished in Syria – Palmer
Moamadmia attacked severely with rocket attacks and nerve gas attacks
Palmer’s interviewers say they are in fear of being attacked by everyone
Pelley says the gas attacks is a National Security Threat to USA
Third to report: Major Garrett from the White House
Obama says he wants to launch the strike without congress and UN approval- Garrett
Chemical can be used elsewhere
Fourth to report: Nancy Cordes reporting on Military Action from the Capitol Hill
Democrats and Republicans are asking the president to get the approval of Congress before strike
Eliot Angle Democrat from the top foreign relations committee says there is a time for that
President can act and come to congress later or after 60 days
Lindsey Graham said president said too much already about the attack
Republican Buck Mchean says if president says action will be taken, take it
End at 13:27

Begin 13:28 to 13:40 glimpse of news
1 min commercial on Enbrel
Begin at 13:45

Warning label of Tylenol
Elaine Quijano reports on this
Quijano says that cap says contains Acetaminophen and always read the label
Acetaminophen is a leading pain killer causing liver failure – Quijano
Cap is there “to reduce the risk of accidental overdose”
More than 600+ meds contain Acetaminophen
Including Nyquil, Theraflu and Excedrin
Overdose 50,000 emergency room visits and 450+ deaths/year
Dr. William Lee, UT Southwestern Medical Center, Dallas studied dangerous side effects of Acetaminophen
People can be at risk taking 8 pills or 4000 mg a day
Acetaminophen has toxic chemicals that can kill liver cells
Drinking it with Alcohol can damage the liver too
End at 15:52

Begin at 15:53 Last day as Mayor
Mayor of San Diego Bob Filner steps down as Mayor, he is accused of sexual harassment by a dozen women
End at 16:06

Begin at 16:07 – Death of a poet intro end- 16:12
1 min commercial of Enbrel

Begin 16:20
34 million Americans traveling for Labor Day
If driving, drivers will pay 3:58 cents per gallon on gas last year was 3.83 per gallon
Duchess and Prince met people at the runner games in Wales
Irish poet dies Sheamus Hiney
End at 17:42

Begin 17:45 upcoming news and sponsored by Bayer Heart medication – 17:53 ends
1 min commercial Enbrel

Begins 17:57
Steve Hartman on the Road News
Jonathan Stocklosa has Down syndrome
Bag boy in Delaware 31 year old and lives with his parents
He is a superhero to kids
Incredible power lifter and competes in matches
Benches 400 pounds
Reports from Willimgton Delaware
Ends at 21:18

September 2nd, 2013
31 seconds Viagra commercial
Intro: 1 min intro Scott Pelley comes later begins with Jeff Glore

Begin 1:03
President trying to win most of the house votes for strike at Syria
Nancy Cordes covering the news from Capitol Hill
White house was hard at work with many phone calls, briefings, meetings to to attack on Syria
President Obama won votes from two law key makers today
President Obama assured republican John Mcain and Lindsey Graham that he will strengthen the rebels and weaken the Assad Regime
Texas Rep Michael Burgess Says I honestly didn’t hear anything to have a different position
California Democrat Janice Haan says where is the international community? Where are they when they are needed?
President reached some skeptics by phone and will meet with 6 congressional leaders at the White House tomorrow morning
Secretary of State John Kerry made the cases of strikes on 5 Sunday talk shows is being dispatched to the Hill for a series of hearings along with the Secretary of Defense and with the Director of Intelligence
They will be challenged this week with the resolution made and the president can use as many blank checks.
Many members support the idea of the attack and many don’t and there are still some people making up their minds
End at 4:16

Begin 4:17 – Assad
President Assad said there is going to be serious consequences if UN strikes Syria but it won’t affect Syria only and he says “The Middle East is a powder keg and the fire is approaching today…But nobody knows what will happen. The risk of a regional war is there”.
Elizabeth Palmer is reporting from Damascus tonight
Interviewed Syria’s deputy foreign minister Faisal Al Magdad
How Syria would respond if attacked by USA
Faisal says we have the tools and the army to stop such attacks
Liz asks will you attack Israel.
Faisal: “This is a big question, I think the whole Middle East would be on fire”
Magdad claims it wasn’t Syrian soldiers who fired the chemical gas
He claims soldiers could not enter the Rebel area until after the attack
Mystery still remains why they wouldn’t let Syrian ambulances through
Liz: Why wasn’t the Syrian government not allowed to send the Syrian Red Crescent to help the victims?
Faisal: I assure you if the Red Crescent had requested to go help the victims, they would have gotten immediate approval
Liz: We were told by senior official of the Red Crescent had sent multiple requests to go help out the victims but they were not responded too
Faisal: I think they are big liars, if somebody was telling you this. I was following all the requests and I got no such request at all
Faisal: US can control how they can fire but can’t control what would happen if they do
Jeff: Have the minister point out, what would happen to opposition groups if there was a strike
Liz: says what most Americans already answered the question
End at 7:13

Begin 7:14 Record Swim
64 year old did something what no one has done before – Jeff Glore
Diana Niad swam from Havana, Cuba to Key West, Florida
Elaine Quijano was there when Diana hit US soil
It took Diana 53 hours to cross invested waters, swam 100 miles
She was the first person to swim so far without shark cages
Diana swam from Havana and about a crew of 35 members accompanied her
Checking her heart beats, blood pressure, and fed her every 30-40 min and gave her fluids
She began in 1978 but she failed, she was 28 years old
She made more attempts at 60
But at 64 she overcame the odds
End 9:25

Begin 9:26 – Nelson Mandela back home
Mandela is in critical condition but he is at home
Has occurring lung infection
Debora Patta is outside Mandela’s home
Doctors has everything for him
Still on ventilators and dialysis
Surgical procedures is not possible
End at 10:44

Begin 10:45 – 11: 12 upcoming news glimpse
Shows gas price: 3.59 dollars per gallon on news table
1 min commercial on Enbrel

Begin 11: 15 – Drug Overdose
Two overdose death cases in New York, drug came from song lyrics
Michelle Miller reports from New York
Dance party in Randalls Island, Electric Zoo Festival
Molly- purer form of Ecstasy
Killed 23 yeard Rochester man Jeffery Bruss
Also 20 year old Olivia Rutondo, Providence, Rhode Island Native
Addiction specialist Dr. Damon Raskin says Drug lowers ambitions, make you crash or depressed
They mix Ecstasy in Alcohol and other drinks makes them more intoxicated
2011, hospitals have 22,498 MDMA or Molly emergency room visits
120% from 2004
3rd death in 2 weeks
Boston girl overdose
Drug causes severe dehydration
End 13:19

Begin 13:20
Yosemite Wildfire
Fire is now 60% contained
4th largest wildfire in California
Hundreds of homes destroyed
End at 13:41

Begin 13:42 – 13:49 boat crash story up next
1 min commercial of Enbrel
Begin 13: 53
CBS and Time Warner Cable had their settlement since Time Warner pulled the plugs on CBS since August 2nd
Verizon and Vodafone split up
Verizon will buy Vodafone‘s 45 percent share and Verizon Wireless for 130 billion dollars
One of the biggest deals in corporate history
Ford is calling in 370,000 cars for a possible corrosion problem that may cause steering out of control
Recalled cars:
2005-2011 Lincoln town car
Mercury 2005-2008 Grand Marquis
Ford Crown Victoria 2005-2011
Collision of a police board in Florida
No one is hurt in the collision however boat sank
Baby Panda expose to media for the first time
No sex determined yet in China
End 15:40

1 min Enbrel commercial Phil Mickelson
Begin 15: 45
Scott Pelley is in celebrating CBS anniversary
First broadcast occurred on September 2nd, 1963 in black and white on a Labor day
CBS Evening News from New York with Walter Cronkite
Nelson Benton in Tuskegee, Alabama
Dan Rather in Plaquemine, Louisiana
Bernhard Kalb in Saigon
Peter Kalischer in Tokyo
Eric Sevareid in Washington
First daily half hour news in history
First 15 min news was broadcasted with anchor Douglas Edward
Broadcast doubled to 30 min overnight
In 1963, News revolutionized journalism
It was in the press and caught President Kennedy’s attention
President Kennedy decided to give Cronkite an interview for a debut for the news program
Including an interview regarding Vietnam
President’s views on Vietnam War
President Kennedy did not mind some things being edited
But press secretary Peter Salinger did
Post celebration interrupted on CBS news in New York by the press secretary
Salinger did not like how the interview was edited
Producer Sandy Socolow was in control room at that time was at Grand Central
Socolow said Salinger accused him and Cronkite and the rest of us that we distorted the interview and we are misleading the American people with faulty editing
Cronkite and the rest had to rush from Grand Central to the news room during the 15 min news broadcasting era
Eric Shikiro the director of the Evening News today was just starting his career in 1963
The news room became the studio. Cronkite was surrounded by wire machines and clattering
Historian Douglas Brinkley- it’s one thing to say something and see something
In 1963, Marvin Kalb was at the diplomatic deep for CBS news and the expansion to half n hour was deliberating
More and more news reporter were being recruited
81 days after the first sign off and the first interview with President Kennedy the broadcast of November 22nd opened differently
Kennedy’s assassination opened the news
4 days of live coverage on the assassination
More people getting news on TV rather on newspaper
First steps on the moon, Civil rights movement and many more all reported on television
End at 21:05 

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